lift sanctions

美 [lɪft ˈsæŋkʃnz]英 [lɪft ˈsæŋkʃnz]
  • 解除制裁
lift sanctionslift sanctions
  1. The same approach should be taken over any decisions on how and when to lift sanctions .


  2. Then how and when to lift sanctions becomes a transparent process , as in the case of Myanmar .


  3. This insight is of great importance for us to understand Sino-U.S. relationship of today and seek the ways to lift sanctions .


  4. To lift sanctions now would be to run the risk of aborting the process towards the complete eradication of apartheid .


  5. To lift sanctions now would be to run the sick of aborting the process towards the complete eradication of apartheid .


  6. Treasury has shown a willingness to lift sanctions against those who sever ties with Gaddafi 's regime .


  7. In 2005 the US pledged to lift sanctions if Khartoum allowed a referendum on the independence of the south .


  8. But there is no guarantee Tehran is prepared to end its nuclear programme or that the US Congress would lift sanctions , even if it did .


  9. Sherman says the US and its partners will only suspend or lift sanctions when Iran takes convincing steps to show its nuclear program is peaceful .


  10. The government , desperate to appear more than old military wine in new bottles , would like her to persuade Western governments to lift sanctions againstMyanmar .


  11. Nakasone promises Tokyo will lift sanctions it imposed on North Korea , if Pyongyang re-opens its investigation into the fate of the Japanese abductees .


  12. Other countries are eagerly awaiting an American green light to lift the sanctions altogether .


  13. Strike a deal on the nuclear issue with Iran , lift economic sanctions on the country and you have a new Middle East in the making .


  14. The US department of commerce is preparing to temporarily lift some sanctions on ZTE , the Chinese telecommunications equipment maker accused of illicitly supplying US technology to Iran .


  15. Before his visit to Washington , President Saakashvili met with U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon over Russia 's decision last week to lift trade sanctions on Abkhazia .


  16. Pyongyang wants Washington to quickly lift all sanctions against North Korea once a stalemate over disputed funds in a Macao bank is resolved , according to a senior North Korean diplomat .


  17. Pyongyang has been insisting that Washington lift the sanctions before it would return to the talks , but the Bush administration had refused , saying the financial issue was entirely separate from the nuclear problem .


  18. KENYON : How to limit Iran 's uranium enrichment capacity is a big issue , as is how and when to lift economic sanctions , if Iran agrees to nuclear restrictions and intrusive inspections .


  19. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is calling on the incoming US administration of Joe Biden to lift " all sanctions " on his country .


  20. Following the nuclear declaration , President Bush announced he is ready to lift some trade sanctions against North Korea and is rescinding the country 's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism .


  21. A Chinese envoy is urging the U.S. to lift all illegal sanctions against Iran and its " long-arm jurisdiction " against third-party entities and individuals , including those from China .


  22. The Iranian president-elect is urging the United States to lift " all unjust sanctions " on his country .


  23. In this phase of the six-nation agreement , the United States pledged to lift a range of sanctions against North Korea and to remove it from a State Department list of nations accused of sponsoring terrorism .
